• Senior Instructor

  • Proud vegan of five years and master of the vegan brownie

  • Loves her BFF & husband Kyle, the Utah Jazz, and her puppy Ross

  • Is either watching Queer Eye, Ru Paul’s Drag Race, The Office, or the latest true crime docuseries

Born and raised in Salt Lake City, Nicole K. was destined to be a spin instructor. With a mother who taught the importance of exercise and a father who took the kids to Coachella every year, it was meant to be. Studying to become a mental health therapist, Nicole has fallen in love with helping people change physically and mentally through exercise.  

Nicole has dreamed of being on a podium since she took her first spin class at the age of 16, but was waiting for the right place to come along. As soon as she walked through the doors of Torrent, she felt welcomed into a one of a kind community and it was meant to be. She auditioned to be an instructor less than six months later! Nicole does not shy away from sharing her redhead sass, humor, and personality on and off the bike. She loves all types of music (except country, don’t get her started), but holds firm to her holy trinity of Beyonce, Taylor, and Billie. What more do you need?