• Cheese / beer / snow-loving Wisconsin native

  • Not a fan of veggies unless it’s on a pizza (but hopes to be someday!)

  • Wants to write a book...still on chapter 1

Claire’s background in sports medicine gives her a deep understanding of the mind and body and she sees that many of us strive to be more in tune with ourselves. Throughout her career, she has worked with a variety of athletes; each one teaching her a valuable lesson. Claire believes we can all learn from each other and being able to mesh her passions for helping others, sports, human connection, music and dance on the stage to share with you is part of her purpose. 

Claire’s class is all about energy (and hair flips!) - if you need it, she’ll bring it! She plays a mix of music to make you feel like you’re on a dance floor, but you’ll work harder than you ever have before.